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Unveiling spiritual potential and cosmic connection of Starseeds through galactic vision. Concept Spirituality, Starseeds, Galactic Vision, Cosmic Connection, Unveiling Potential

Claiming Our Divine Potential

American psychotherapist, Ira Progoff, was fascinated by the relationship between depth psychology and spirituality. As a neo-Jungian, he took seriously the presence and power of the collective unconscious and the need to “individuate” the self—to search for the principle of cosmic potential at the depths of the person and free it to reach its fullest actualization.  According to Progoff, the psyche is such a principle of wholeness. It is like a seed that contains within itself potentially all that the plant can become as it develops toward maturity across its lifespan.[1] Deep within us, he argues, there is also a seed, a psychic dimension that contains in sheer, unfathomable potentiality all that the self is and can become. The steady emergence...
Emily's image

Christophany Groups Create a World of Deep Relationality

Dear Friends, My name is Emily DeMoor and I am the Director of Christophany Groups at C4C.  I also belong to the Omega Café Christophany Group and speak from this…

Dustin's AI Art

Technology Has Added Layers of Complexity

Dear Friends, My name is Dustin Kuhns, I serve as the Director of Creative Content at C4C. In practice—although we all wear many hats—I oversee the editorial process of our…


Building an Internet of Love

Dear Friends of the Center, Our June fundraiser has drawn to a close and I am happy to report that we met our anticipated goal thanks to your generous support. …

Power to Change ON WHITE

Webinar: Breaking Down or Breaking Through?

The rapid development of artificial intelligence, including the new chat GPT software, has created deep fear in a world already facing a dire future due to global warming.  The influx…

The Wisdom of GodE

God of the Im/Possible

With the resurrection of Jesus Christ, time is interrupted and we are startled by a deeper reality: God is doing new things. Underneath a world racked by war, racial hatred,…

The Wisdom of GodGF

The Wisdom of the Cross

The paschal mystery is the center of Christian theology. The re-enactment of the last supper and the betrayal of Jesus, followed by his sentence of crucifixion, speak to us of…

FBCopy of Scripture Meets Science (Facebook Post (Landscape))

Webinar: Scripture Meets Science

The greatest obstacle to religion today does not come so much from atheists but from the neo-foundationalists whose fundamental tenets of religion claim ontological certainty. These are the religious fundamentalists…

christ, love, energy, spiritual, digital art, religion, cosmic

Does God Suffer?

The name “God” reflects the incomprehensible wellspring of love at the heart of an expanding universe. The Christian understanding of God’s relational nature begins with the first divine person, the…

fish mosaic

Seeing with Two Pairs of Eyes

“Our life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery, like the idle, curved tunnels of leaf miners on the face of a leaf,” writes Annie Dillard.[1] This simple…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “God Lives in the World”

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