Building a world ready for the future.
Christophany Groups transform lives and heal our world through communal reflection on the insights of Ilia Delio, Teilhard de Chardin, and other like-minded thinkers. These small communities are committed to meeting on a regular basis, either virtually or in person, to discuss books, articles, podcasts, and webinars offered by the Center for Christogenesis.
“I began a praxis of contemplative prayer in 1976, which is when I was first introduced to Teilhard de Chardin. My church ministry has been in media and communications, including four years working for Archbishop Desmond Tutu during the apartheid era. The Center for Christogenesis attracts me for its mature contemplative focus on the world’s ‘becoming.’ I would like to meet some companions on this journey.”
Maggie (A Christophany Group Member)
Christophany Groups are spaces of sacred listening and holy response, relationship, sharing, compassion, laughter, play, prayer, love and transformation.

Submit an inquiry below and Emily DeMoor, our Director of Christophany Groups, will reach out to connect you with one of our growing communities.
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