Prayer of Trust by Thomas Merton
My Lord God,I have no idea where I am going.I do not see the road ahead of me.I cannot know for certain where it will end.nor do I really know…

Prayerful Meditation for Christophany Group Facilitators
Beloved Source of all Being and becoming, we gather during times of great uncertainty in the world,a world fractured by turbulence and pain.Yet, even in the shadowed corners where we…

Unitive and Eternal Katholikos
Eternal source of love and being, draw me into your presence, draw me, love me, fill me and lead me there, where your divinity fills the entire expanse of my…

Prime by Ilia Delio, Hours of the Universe
Creation flows from the fountain fullness Of creative energy, Springing from a creative and dynamic Source of Love. Relational, personal, generative, communicative Love Spilling over on the canvass of space-time; Creation…

Prayer, from Hymn of the Universe, by Teilhard de Chardin
Glorious Lord Christ: The divine influence secretly diffused and active in the depths of matter, And the dazzling center where all the innumerable fibres of the manifold meet; Power as…

St. Teresa of Avila
Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but yours. Yours are the only eyes with which his compassion can still look out on a…

Meditation by St. Symeon the New Theologian
We awaken in Christ’s body as Christ awakens our bodies, and my poor hand is Christ. He enters my foot, and is infinitely me. I move my hand, and wonderfully…