Watch “Why Evolution and Religion Belong Together,” Ilia Delio at the 2024 N2 Conference
From N2: In this insightful talk, theologian and Teilhardian scholar Ilia Delio explores the profound connections between science, religion, and the noosphere. Drawing on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s groundbreaking ideas, she discusses the intrinsic relationship between matter, consciousness, and the spiritual energy driving evolution. Delio emphasizes the need for a holistic understanding of science and religion as complementary forces shaping the future of humanity and the planet. Her thought-provoking perspective invites us to consider a new, unified vision of knowing and being in the emerging noosphere.
The N2 2024: The Noosphere & the Global South conference explored the intersection of technology, society, and the noosphere—the sphere of human thought and collective consciousness. Hosted by Human Energy and UM6P, this year’s event brought together leading thinkers, visionaries, and innovators to discuss solutions to the challenges posed by the techno-social era. Through engaging presentations and collaborative dialogue, N2 2024 aims to inspire actionable insights and transformative change.
Ilia Delio’s Presentation: Teilhard’s Noosphere: Why Evolution and Religion Belong
Together The Noosphere is our present reality of complexified matter and global consciousness. Scientists mapping the Noosphere show grids of interconnections that reveal a formative pattern of a higher-ordered collective. Teilhard de Chardin envisioned this pattern almost a century ago, but he saw that emerging complexified wholeness cannot be adequately sustained without religion. He did not conceive religion as a confessional set of doctrines but the depth dimension of all reality, the search for ultimate meaning, and the state of being grasped by ultimate concerns. “Religion and evolution,” he said, “are destined to form one single continuous organism, in which their respective lives prolong, are dependent on, and complete one another.” Religion is the biological response to the emergence of spiritual energy. His sense of religion, therefore, is experiential and supports faith in the future. The true function of religion is to sustain and spur on the progress of life. In his view, no one religion can satisfy the religious spirit of the earth and its evolution towards Omega. If religion is a biological phenomenon, what is religion on the level of emerging Noosphere? Science has significantly advanced the Noosphere but without a rebirth of religion, the future is fragile.
N2 2024: The Noosphere & The Global South took place on December 16th – 18th in Ben Guerir, Morocco 🌐
The N2 Conference looks to deepen our present understanding and future vision for the noosphere, the sphere of human consciousness and mental activity especially in regard to its influence on the biosphere and in relation to evolution.
N2 is an international, interdisciplinary conference bringing together leading scientists, scholars from across the disciplines, thought leaders, creative artists, and all those who are interested in the meaning and possibility of the noosphere for our collective future.
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