Thank you for your transformative support!
Dear Friends, We are profoundly grateful for your generous support during our December fundraiser. Because of your commitment and care, we exceeded our goal of $50,000, affirming the strength and…

Watch Ilia Delio discuss the 2025 Inauguration
In this short 10-minute conversation with Nicholas Vesey from Aspen Chapel, Ilia Delio shares her reflections on the 2025 United States inauguration.

Prayerful Meditation for Christophany Group Facilitators
Beloved Source of all Being and becoming, we gather during times of great uncertainty in the world,a world fractured by turbulence and pain.Yet, even in the shadowed corners where we…

Watch “Why Evolution and Religion Belong Together,” Ilia Delio at the 2024 N2 Conference
From N2: In this insightful talk, theologian and Teilhardian scholar Ilia Delio explores the profound connections between science, religion, and the noosphere. Drawing on Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s groundbreaking ideas,…

Facilitating Rather than Leading
How did your most recent Christophany Group session go? In the first chapter of her book Facilitating for Growth: A Guide for Scripture Study Groups and Small Christian Communities, Barbara Fleischer asks…

Christophany Groups: Pennsylvania
Our local Philly area Christophany group has been meeting since the spring of 2020. Early in 2021, we decided to meet on a monthly basis (we had been meeting twice…