Heart of Matter: Conscious Connectivity
“The passionate right brain, with its magical world of creative visionary thinking, has been mostly sidelined. We have reduced mind to the mental analytical work of the left brain, depriving…

Heart of Matter: “Connecting to the Whole”
“When the whole brain is enabling the whole person to connect to the whole environment, catholicity is alive.” Ilia Delio, Making All Things New + “Cuando la totalidad del cerebro…

Heart of Matter: “The Notion of Mind”
“The notion of mind, on the human level, includes the brain as well as the body, the senses and emotions, as well as the environment of interaction.” Ilia Delio, Making…

Heart of Matter: The Human Arrow
Tuesday, May 30, 2023 “Teilhard de Chardin did not see the human person lost or insignificant in light of evolution; rather, he saw the human person as the arrow of…

Heart of Matter: Science and the Arts
Tuesday May 23, 2023 “From the sixth to the fourth centuries BC, there was an almost unparalleled flowering of science and the arts based on the best of what both…

Heart of Matter: We Belong to the Whole
“We emerge from the whole; we belong to the whole; and we are endowed with the capacity to evolve to higher levels of complexity and consciousness.” Ilia Delio, Making All…

Heart of Matter: The Mind of Christ
Tuesday, February 14, 2023 “A higher consciousnessĀ of love, putting on the mind of Christ, is not a trapeze act for saints; it is how we deal with human misunderstandings, conflicts,…