
H4W HeroLong

Relaunch of Hunger for Wholeness

A profound truth streams its way through the sacred texts and traditions of all religions: there is a transcendent power of love operating within us that, if understood and accessed…

Embracing Connection: Wireless Signs and the Spirit of Togetherness

Trinity and Personhood

I have been teaching a graduate course on the Trinity this semester and it has impelled me to think anew about the Trinity and what the implications of the Trinity…

Divine love

Looking Forward to Journeying With You

Dear Friends, The fourteenth-century mystic Meister Eckhart put it best: “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” He knew…

Robert (Cropped)

Announcing New Executive Director, Robert Nicastro

Dear Friends, On behalf of the Center for Christogenesis, I want to extend a warm welcome to our new Executive Director, Robert Nicastro. Robert has been on the Center’s team…

As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension of the old, but a completely new worldview." Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, - 1

The Heart of Matter: A Mystical Science

Modern physics is, in a sense, a mystical science that stands in opposition to the notion that, “science explains everything” or that “science gives us the truth.” Ilia Delio, The…

As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension of the old, but a completely new worldview." Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, - 1

The Heart of Matter: Our Everyday Experience

“The fundamental basis of everything that exists is nothing like our everyday experience of the world.” Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational…


The Heart of Matter: A New Paradigm

“As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension…

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Leaning Into the Future

A Reflection by Board of Director, Sister Libby Osgood, CND As I sit before a picture-window overlooking a New York City street, I see a man knelt on the sidewalk…


The Future is Now

“At the heart of every being lies creation’s dream of a principle that will one day give organic form to its fragmented treasures. God is unity.” (Teilhard de Chardin) The…