Heart of Matter: Science and the Arts

Tuesday May 23, 2023

“From the sixth to the fourth centuries BC, there was an almost unparalleled flowering of science and the arts based on the best of what both right and left hemispheres in conjunction could offer.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New


“Entre los siglos VI al IV a.C. hubo un florecimiento casi sin precedentes de las ciencias y las artes que surgió de lo mejor que ambos hemisferios en conjunto, el derecho y el izquierdo, podían ofrecer.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New

What is being asked?
What is being moved?

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  1. Joe Masterleo on May 23, 2023 at 4:55 pm

    The “unparalleled flowering of science and the arts” is descriptive of the inspiration, creativity, imagination, and innovation of the synergy that occurs following any integration or synthesis. But in scientific terms, how does that occur, and by what influx of powerful streaming energy? The answer to same solves the mystery of the unified field, and the single primary essence that holds it all together. And what single field force (singularity) might that be, hidden in plain sight?


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