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Unveiling spiritual potential and cosmic connection of Starseeds through galactic vision. Concept Spirituality, Starseeds, Galactic Vision, Cosmic Connection, Unveiling Potential

Claiming Our Divine Potential

American psychotherapist, Ira Progoff, was fascinated by the relationship between depth psychology and spirituality. As a neo-Jungian, he took seriously the presence and power of the collective unconscious and the need to “individuate” the self—to search for the principle of cosmic potential at the depths of the person and free it to reach its fullest actualization.  According to Progoff, the psyche is such a principle of wholeness. It is like a seed that contains within itself potentially all that the plant can become as it develops toward maturity across its lifespan.[1] Deep within us, he argues, there is also a seed, a psychic dimension that contains in sheer, unfathomable potentiality all that the self is and can become. The steady emergence...
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Becoming Whole

By Rebecca Mays Many of us have heard the maxim that “the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.”  There is a flow, a stream of connections in…

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August Reflection: Pursuing Truth in an Evolving Universe

By Jillian Langford Earlier this month Ilia Delio and I grabbed lunch to discuss all things Center for Christogenesis. At lunch we dreamed of the far-reaching impact of the C4C…

St. Augustine

The Love of Christ Impels Us

This past July my husband Jim, my son, and some extended family members traveled to Alaska for a long-awaited and joyfully anticipated vacation. While in Homer, however, Jim had a…

Photo by: Duwang Gupta unsplash

Religion in Transition: Living Between the Worlds of God

This summer I had the privilege of attending two very different spiritual events, the first, a gathering of spiritual seekers at Princeton Theological Seminary and, the second, a Catholic Sisters’…


Hunger for Wholeness Podcast Launches!

Story matters. Our lives are shaped around immersive, powerful stories that thrive at the heart of our religious traditions, scientific inquiries, and cultural landscapes. All stories – big and small…

Entangled World

Celebrating Interdependence

Question: What does a celebration of interdependence look like to you?  What stories might you tell? The idea of independence is a strong aspect of American cultural identity, and yet,…

Jillian Langford

A July Reflection

By Jillian Langford I am the daughter of a newspaper copy editor. Growing up with a father whose job it was to literally read the newspaper front to back everyday…


The Beautiful Wholeness of Nature

Nature is an interlocking network of systems, an “unbearable wholeness of beings,” Steven Talbott wrote.[i] Nature is more flow than fixed. “The body,” he states, “is a formed”[ii] Structures, once…


Gun Violence and Technology

The killing of seven innocent people at a fourth of July celebration has now been added to the growing list of gun violence in this country.   We are momentarily shocked…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “God Lives in the World”

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