The Acceleration of Change: From Future Shock to Present Reality

Soul Brothers? St. Paul and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Apostle to the ‘Gentiles’ of Modernity
THE TENSIONS OF CHRISTIAN HUMANISM It is the problem of Christian humanism, of how to balance the interests of God and those of human beings. When correctly interpreted, Teilhard would…

A Deep Dive into Cosmotheandrism
In a previous post, I explored the idea of a cosmotheandric language of belonging and resolved that “without the wild energy of Ruach our religious endeavors are cut off from…

Let Us Create Something New
Dear Friends, At the Center for Christogenesis, we are keenly aware of our fragile world, but we see things from a new perspective. We see the power of divine love at…

Politics and the Power of Love
Politics shape human community. Our political decisions reflect our sense of who we are and what we want. We vote as citizens of a common household, members of a society…

Special Event: Merton and Delio
Alan Kolp, from the Thomas Merton Center hosts Partners in the General Dance of the Spirit: Thomas Merton and Ilia Delio Evolving into Grandeur of God November 8, 2022 at…

Soul Brothers?
By Hilda Geraghty Soul Brothers: St. Paul, Apostle to the Gentiles and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin SJ, Apostle to the ‘Gentiles’ of Modernity Why would one dare to put a…

Transformation or Self-Inflation? The Challenge of Spirituality Today
Spirituality has exploded in the twenty-first century and spiritual paths are everywhere. Contemplative practices, spirituality groups, Eastern and Western paths of mysticism, all abound across the infinite terrain of cyberspace. …