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Evolution of God's heart 99863

Returning Religion to Evolution

During my recent webinar on "Returning Religion to the Prophetic," a participant raised a question about prophetic action: Should we not stand with the marginalized and oppressed, calling out injustices in the name of true justice? While this concern is undoubtedly important, I believe that focusing solely on social justice might cause us to overlook the broader implications of evolution and its dynamic impetus. One might ask, "What does evolution have to do with social justice?" The answer is, in a sense, everything. Social justice is fundamentally about fostering right relationships, and evolution can be understood as the progressive emergence of increasingly complex relationships. To develop truly just relationships, we must comprehend evolution beyond its mere biological mechanisms.  That is, we...

Evolution, Love, And Hyperphysics

Evolution discloses a pattern in nature which can be described as fourfold: attraction, unity, complexity and emergence. Beginning with the Big Bang, there is an inherent force of attraction in nature.…


Love In A Fractured World: August, 2016

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] August’s theme: Love in a Fractured World: Exploring the deeper meaning of love as the root and source of existence itself. As we continue to add new content and explore our…

Love and the Physical Universe

Love and the Physical Universe

Download a copy of Ilia Delio’s PowerPoint presentation. Originally published on January 30, 2014. Download PDF

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “The Divine Entanglement”

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