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Unveiling spiritual potential and cosmic connection of Starseeds through galactic vision. Concept Spirituality, Starseeds, Galactic Vision, Cosmic Connection, Unveiling Potential

Claiming Our Divine Potential

American psychotherapist, Ira Progoff, was fascinated by the relationship between depth psychology and spirituality. As a neo-Jungian, he took seriously the presence and power of the collective unconscious and the need to “individuate” the self—to search for the principle of cosmic potential at the depths of the person and free it to reach its fullest actualization.  According to Progoff, the psyche is such a principle of wholeness. It is like a seed that contains within itself potentially all that the plant can become as it develops toward maturity across its lifespan.[1] Deep within us, he argues, there is also a seed, a psychic dimension that contains in sheer, unfathomable potentiality all that the self is and can become. The steady emergence...

God Of Love In A Quantum Cosmology

When confronted with the question and apparent contradiction of “A God of love in a world of suffering and violence,” we need to step back and examine the context by…


The Emergence Of Divine Love Through Human Suffering

In the 1970s it was common to critically compare the thought of Teilhard de Chardin with Sri Aurobindo (née Aurobindo Ghose, 1872-1950).1 I discovered Sri Aurobindo and his spiritual partner…


What Is God?

I find myself these days frantically holding together the multiple pieces of life, from teaching to traveling and outside lecturing, from the Omega Center to community and the many emails…


The Second Axial Emergence

The religious landscape is shifting—no one will argue with that. People are leaving traditional religious frameworks in droves, while the number of those identifying as “spiritual but not religious” (SBNR)…


Four Ways Of Understanding Love In A Fractured World

How we perceive and make meaning about reality determines how we think about how love can heal a fractured universe. If we have only one way of knowing about love…


Love Is The Answer – What Is The Question?

“I was a hidden treasure and I longed to be known. And so I created the world, both visible and invisible.” This famous saying from the Hadith Qudsi, the extra-koranic…


Teilhard De Chardin and The Future of God

In his book God After Darwin theologian John Haught claims that evolution opened a new window to God, giving us a new vision of God at home in a universe…


Click Here To Ask Your Questions

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] We hope you will join the conversation by submitting your reflections and questions below, via the “Leave a Reply” comment box on this page.  What arises for you in response to the topics…


Love As The Bridge Between Science And Religion

For the ancients, the study of nature was essential to knowing the real.  We know not simply to navigate but to narrate our lives, to give reason for the hope…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “God Lives in the World”

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