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Returning Religion to Evolution

During my recent webinar on "Returning Religion to the Prophetic," a participant raised a question about prophetic action: Should we not stand with the marginalized and oppressed, calling out injustices in the name of true justice? While this concern is undoubtedly important, I believe that focusing solely on social justice might cause us to overlook the broader implications of evolution and its dynamic impetus. One might ask, "What does evolution have to do with social justice?" The answer is, in a sense, everything. Social justice is fundamentally about fostering right relationships, and evolution can be understood as the progressive emergence of increasingly complex relationships. To develop truly just relationships, we must comprehend evolution beyond its mere biological mechanisms.  That is, we...
Omega Center

In Support of Teilhard’s Vision

The great medievalist scholar Etienne Gilson once wrote of Bonaventure: “You can either see the general economy of his doctrine in its totality, or see none of it, nor would…


Trashing Teilhard

Was the Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin really a fascist, racist, genocidal opponent of human dignity? I had thought that, at least among educated Catholics, the question was almost…


God And The New Science

The striking discoveries of contemporary science are continually telling us new things about how material creation came to be and how it continues to evolve.  Although we do not have…


Big News from the Omega Center: Opening our Doors to the Heart of Love

Dear Friends of the Omega Center As we enter a new year, I want to thank each of you for your support and participation in the Omega Center. Many of…


A New People for a New World: Further Reflections on Christmas 

Dear Friends, I like to think of Christmas as a new “big bang,” a “trans-human” event.  I follow the movement of Transhumanism with keen interest and while some radical transhumanist…


Radical Incarnation: A Christmas Appeal

Dear Friends, We are once again in the season of waiting—patient waiting—a virtue the consumer culture has abandoned. However, we are not waiting for something but for someone; we are…


Evolution and Radical Love

Many people ask, why is it necessary to pay attention to science? What does religion have to do with science? Historically, the foundations of modern science are found in the…


Can A Thinking Heart Make Us Whole?

The volatility of the news is a good indicator of the unstable forces that are impacting our world today. A drop of 850 points on the NASDAQ and it seems…


A Welcome Address From The New Executive Director

Dear Omega Community, Greetings! I am Gregory Hansell, the new and first Executive Director of the Omega Center. I’m honored and thrilled to join you all at this exciting and…

Heart of Matter

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

Heart of Matter: “The Divine Entanglement”

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