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The Acceleration of Change: From Future Shock to Present Reality

In 1970, Alvin and Heidi Toffler introduced the concept of "future shock"—a psychological state affecting both individuals and societies, characterized by "too much change in too short a period of time." Writing before the advent of the internet and mobile phones, their prophetic work anticipated the disorientation that would come to define our modern era. Their prediction that "the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn" has proven remarkably prescient. The Tofflers identified three fundamental shifts that would reshape society: the death of permanence, as institutions and relationships become increasingly temporary; the end of geography, as technology diminishes the importance of physical location; and the...


Each day we awake to a new world of struggle.The abuse crisis of the Catholic Church continues unabated, children and refugees are held captive in the U.S. borderland camps, racial…


To Die on the Day of Resurrection

One year before Teilhard de Chardin died, his nephew heard Teilhard say that, “I should like to die on the day of Resurrection.” A year later, on April 10th, 1955…

Second Annual Omega Center Conference

Second Annual Omega Center Conference

Love at the Heart of the Cosmos: Living in Relational Wholeness   Commonwealth Chateau at SugarLoaf Chestnut Hill College, Philadelphia, PA December 6th – 8th, 2019 Check-in begins Friday, December…


Authentic religion “Within me and between me and thee”

Ours in the West is largely a secularized society. However, especially after 9/11, we have become much more aware of the influence of religion—mostly bad in many people’s eyes. This,…


Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and Thomas Berry: Interiority and Subjectivity

Thomas Berry regarded the influence from Teilhard as integral to his thought. They were both concerned with the value and beauty of the universe as well as a commitment to…


Petitionary Prayer in Light of God’s Uncontrolling Love

What is petitionary prayer? Petitionary prayer is a specific form of prayer aimed at making requests of God. They make requests of God for answers to life’s questions and concerns.…

Announcing the New Omega Center Website

Announcing the New Omega Center Website

Dear Omega Community, It is with great excitement that we are announcing the relaunched Omega Center website. Please come visit! Ilia and I have been working closely together for the…


Jazz, Evolution, and Co-creation with Trinity

We are exhorted to participate with God as co-creators. But how does this work? Let’s start here: Science tells us all matter is energy. Teilhard understood energy is infused with…

Omega Center

In Support of Teilhard’s Vision

The great medievalist scholar Etienne Gilson once wrote of Bonaventure: “You can either see the general economy of his doctrine in its totality, or see none of it, nor would…

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