Big News from the Omega Center: Opening our Doors to the Heart of Love
Dear Friends of the Omega Center
As we enter a new year, I want to thank each of you for your support and participation in the Omega Center. Many of you have contributed financially to the Center, whether by subscription or donation, and a number of you have contributed by participating in the Zoom sessions or replying to blogs online.
When we stop to consider what we are doing together, participating in a new level of consciousness that transcends geographical distance or boundaries, we must marvel at the fact that we have entered what Teilhard de Chardin called the “Noosphere,” a global networked mind. Never before in the history of the planet has such a level of consciousness been realized. We are at the dawn of a global planetary existence—in Teilhard’s language: “planetization”. Be assured that all systems including religious, political and social systems will succumb to planetization and be compelled to regroup accordingly. I anticipate that up ahead religious, political and social structures will be realigned as cooperative systems, and that systemic reorganization of these systems—political, ethnic and cultural systems around the planet will undergo radical change. What we are witnessing today is the collapse of structures based on patriarchy and hierarchy, especially in the religious and political arenas. Patriarchal structures will continue to mightily resist the forces of evolution but they will collapse and fall.
There is a deeper power at work in evolution, an irresistible power of Love. This Love is absolute in power—no force can eradicate it—which is why we live in hope that something or Someone up ahead is calling us to see with new eyes and listen with new ears to the sounds of a new birth in our midst.
The Omega Center is devoted to this new birth by training the mind to know, the eye to see and the heart to be open to all that Love holds for those who are prepared to live in Love. To this end, we have decided to make all of our online materials free to the world.
We deeply thank all of you who have been faithful subscribers, as your support helps to make all this possible. We are converting website subscriptions to donations and pray that you will consider continuing your contribution to the Omega Center. We are happy to issue refunds to anyone who would prefer not to be a contributor, but we also appreciate your consideration of supporting the Omega Center in this new and more open fashion.
For those who enjoy our materials online, we will be adding new content that was previously only available to subscribers, as well as offering everyone the opportunity to sign-up for quarterly Zoom video conversations with Ilia. We will also be relaunching our website, starting a podcast, and hosting another annual conference in the fall. If you believe as we do that this work is essential for transforming consciousness and deepening our world into the heart of divine Love, please consider supporting the Omega Center.
By eliminating subscriptions to the Omega Center, we hope the Center will be everywhere and the circumference nowhere, thus opening up the power of Love to everyone around the planet—all countries, all peoples, and all faiths. Only in this way can we participate together in the unfolding of a new world community—that we may think together and love together unto a new type of planetary existence.
It is possible with your participation, and we hope that you will consider ongoing financial support of the Omega Center. Do no be afraid for Love has already won the world. Trust that this Love may become the heart of our lives and that our lives may be spent for one another in peace.
Blessings and peace,
Sr. Ilia

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