Community Sharing: Econoeisis: A New Contemplative Paradigm
Community Sharing on Econoeisis: A New Contemplative Paradigm “Sometimes word pictures help in understanding how all things only appear separate, but at root are one in source, essence and unity.…
Christophany Groups: from Vancouver
Testimonial from a Vancouver based group, led by Bart Begalka: Our Christophany group is fairly new. We began this summer. However, we follow a format that I have been using…
Ilia Delio – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview
Some of the main points discussed in this conversation. What is God? As we enter the mystery of God, language fails us, and the mystery grasps us all the more.…
Visio Divina at Daylesford Abbey
Take a contemplative walk with us today on the grounds of Daylesford Abbey and see the Divine unfolding under your steps.
Community Sharing: Hope for the Future
In reality, there are not two stories, a creation story and an evolution story. There is only one story spoken of from two non-integrated perspectives, one classified as science, the…
Christophany Divina
Every Friday this month we will offer Lectio Divina and Visio Divina practices, inviting you to ponder a little longer, a little deeper into the depth of your own hearts, and…
Christophany Groups Testimonies
“Our Christophany group celebrates its 1st year anniversary in a few months. We have continually grown in our sense of shared ownership and within an empowering, collaborative leadership model,…