Visio Divina by Carl Madigan
Painting by Henry Ossawa Tanner, 1898 While in prayer with this painting I was deeply captivated by her eyes and drawn to write the following: Your eyes are my eyes…

A Whiteheadian Response: The God of Persuasion
Question: “Please help me to further understand, I thought that God did not direct our lives. We made choices, those choices CREATED—God’s presence is in the creation of the choice…

Christophany Groups Update
Dear Christophany Groups and others interested in the C4C vision for wholeness and a constructive future! We have started Coffee Hours for you to appreciate C4C’s work and vision. The…

For All That Has Been, Thanks, For All That Will Be, Yes!
The month of June is quickly moving toward July, and before time escapes the velocity of light, I want to take a moment to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to…

Seeds of a New Eden
I invite you to take a seed and quietly behold it in your hand. It might be a ‘helicopter’ seed, a garden seed, a pinecone, or another seed that crosses…

June Reflection
June is a special month at the Center for Christogenesis. Each year, our staff takes time to reflect on our mission and vision. We take time to revisit our goals…

Seeing Anew: Seeing with the Heart
Center for Christogenesis June Fundraiser Seeing Anew + Seeing with the heart In this video, the late theologian Ramion Panikkar uses the idea of seeing through a window as…