Unitive and Eternal Katholikos
Eternal source of love and being, draw me into your presence, draw me, love me, fill me and lead me there, where your divinity fills the entire expanse of my eternal soul and consciousness, one with all creative universe unfolding, embracing.
Fill and caress my being, all my being with immortal creative light. O fill me with this light, O fill me with the light of your love. I know that I know, you are, and that I am one in you, and you one in me, and we one with all, as we were from the beginning.
There within the deepest sanctuary of my being, may I surrender to the miracle of who I am, into the mystery of who you are. Oh gently, gently fill and lead me, may your kiss, your touch, your love, illuminate all my being as into your hands I commend this union into your presence.
Into your hands I commend this life and this heart which you have birthed, which you have filled, into which you unfold.
Into your hands, for now and all eternity, I commend my being and the ground of all Being back into your divine love, you who are all in all, for eternity ever blessed, ever present, always and everywhere.
By Pearse McDonagh,
European Christophany Group

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