The Heart of Matter: Sky Gazing

Tuesday, May 24th

“Today we know our universe to be ancient, large, dynamic, and interconnected. The universe is about 13.7 billion years old, with a future of billions of years before it….Our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is one among billions of galaxies in the observable universe, consisting of 100 billion stars, and stretching about 100,000 light years in diameter.”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”

“Hoy sabemos que nuestro universo es viejo, vasto e interconectado. Tiene un pasado de unos 13.700 millones de años y un futuro de miles de millones de años por delante… Nuestra propia galaxia, la Vía Láctea, es solo una entre los miles de millones de galaxias del universo observable, que consta de 100.000 millones de estrellas y se extiende en un diámetro de unos 100.000 años luz.”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”

Incarnational Practice: Sky Gazing

Sit on a chair by your window, on a bench in a park or on a boulder in the woods. As you tilt your head back and face the sky let yourself be overtaken by the vastness, the infinite openness and the majesty of the cosmos. Experience the immensity of God beyond anything that you see, know and believe.

Enjoy a stunning time lapse footage showing the Milky Way in the night sky at Zion National Park, Utah here.



What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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  1. John M Kennish on May 24, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    Western culture has failed to recognize what many indigenous cultures have recognized. Jesus himself pointed out that his listeners were to observe natures signs. The evolution of religion has failed to recognize this while science has forged ahead through recognition of the signs. One needs to read about human failure to understand nature and its evolution. Read the book “Sapiens” to expose yourself to the need for a greater evolution of human nature and its future of greater understanding.

  2. suzannersm38 on May 24, 2022 at 9:37 am

    “So often I need to realise that I am not the centre of the Universe. I love all of these reflections that remind me of the colour of what might seem alien to me at first glance, but that is truly my kin, once I allow my blinkers relax.”

  3. John Ferro on May 24, 2022 at 9:36 am

    “I am currently reading The Universe Story written by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry. I started to write out the time line from the back of a book. So much time existed before us humans even came on the same but we seem to be so self important. It is good to gaze off into the vastness of creation to get a perspective on our size.”

  4. Darryl Nelson on May 24, 2022 at 9:36 am

    When I think of the age of the universe, the size of the Milky Way and it’s 100 billion stars, I am totally awestruck at my ability to reflect on this experience and to wonder at my place in this Cosmic schema. I never stop thinking about it and constantly give thanks for this ability to be able to do so.

  5. John Ferro on May 24, 2022 at 7:20 am

    I am currently reading The Universe Story written by Brian Swimme and Thomas Berry. I started to write out the time line from the back of a book. So much time existed before us humans even came on the same but we seem to be so self important. It is good to gaze off into the vastness of creation to get a perspective on our size.


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