The Heart of Matter: God-Cosmic Energy
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
“Being comes together and is deepened in the human person as he or she evolves in and with “God-cosmic” energy.”
Ilia Delio’s, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being
“La existencia afluye y penetra en la persona humana a medida que esta evoluciona en y con la energía cósmica de Dios”.
Ilia Delio’s, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being
What is being moved? What is being asked?
Check out our new podcast, “Hunger for Wholeness” on Spotify.
Episode 10 (Part Two) was just released with Ilia Delio, Gabbi Sloan and David Sloan Wilson.
This podcast was made possible by a Grant from the Fetzer Institute for which we are very grateful.

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Divinity’s imprint embeds in all things (imago dei, imago vestigia), alike in the sardine and whale, rich and poor, healthy and sick. Given wholly to dualistic thinking (separation-consciousness), the Western mind-set isn’t about to collapse, say, as an avalanche of snow periodically slides of a metal roof, or as so many icicles dissolve in a single January thaw. Rather, it will happen, if at all, the way all glass ceilings break and splinter, one pane or sheet at a time over deep time. As separation-consciousness is radical, so must be its remedy, either via a slow burn in the unfolding story of a life (2nd half of life), and/or via harrowing circumstances that trigger and foster personal transformation (as in suffering) at pivotal moments. “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him” (Jn 6:44). As the time is short, we best invoke the Lord of the harvest who sovereignty knows, sets, and regulates the time for each, as “to every thing there is a season.” Generally, most people don’t change, or change very little, and seldom radically. Changing from dualistic thinking to unitive consciousness (the Christ mind) is radical. Usually, it’s circumstances (and God in them) that changes people,
with an assist from his laborers, who primarily orchestrate their ingathering. “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain who build it. Unless the Lord keep the city, the watchman awakens but in vain” (Ps.127:1-4).
I have not read this book; however from the general description I feel it is right on and radically important for these times. My own spiritual tradition is quite in alignment with the basic spiritual postulates made…”We are of one mind/God/Jesus (and one could say various other master spiritual teachers…Buddha etc).
Yet the acceptance of this “intellectual” paradigm is not enough. One must have practices that bring forward the experience of that spiritual oneness. I will offer an example: Many people on a spiritual path have experienced even a small moment of incredible Love, and/or Oneness. One can “sit” with this moment in one’s heart and deliberately try/ask to feel it again even more deeply…within oneself…for increasingly longer periods of time. As this occurs one can “Breathe this Love/Oneness in…and
Breathe this Love/Oneness out…to ALL beings/world. On daily walks/at work/amidst strangers…etc. The the initial experience will be heightened, and maintained within…by the giving of it.
As well, a secondary part of the expansion of this Love/Oneness…is the honest collaboration with one’s Holy Spirit Within/and one’s spiritual leader…in confronting all the ego judgments/impediments for such an outlook and experience. That is simply by looking at where one is feeling ego condemnations/judgements and asking Jesus/Holy Spirit/ master teacher in help to remove them from one’s being…Only a Little Willingness is need to take steps in diminishing the blocks to recognize/see/feel our lives as one with one another and our Creator.
In humble human experience, where two or more are gathered together in Christ’s name or spirit, there is Christ. We each are part of Christ. Branches, leaves, fruit of the Vine. Seeds that are nourished and cultivated into great plants, bushes, trees, forests, orchards. Families, nations, peoples. So much more to love. Cosmic growth into Omega.
God as energy, life, live and movement.