The Heart of Matter: Change

Tuesday, February 22nd

We have yet to grasp the reality that God is love, and love is dynamic; the fidelity of God’s love lies in love’s nature to change, grow, admonish, and yield.
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ

“Todavía no alcanzamos e entender la realidad de que Dios es amor, y el amor es dinámico; la fidelidad del amor de Dios reside en la capacidad que tiene el amor para cambiar, crecer, exhortar y aceptar.”
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ

An Incarnational Practice: Journaling

What in my own life needs to “change, grow, admonish or yield?” Bring your answers to your journal this week, and through your written words discover what this passage is revealing to you at this moment.


What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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  1. Joe Masterleo on February 24, 2022 at 10:47 am

    What needs to “change, grow, admonish or yield” in the area of truth, love and relationships applies to nations as well as individuals. This is why Jesus had little to do with politics or politicians, (and religionists) who act primarily out of expedience, pragmatism and self-interest, not truth or what’s best for the whole. The energy that fuels choices good or evil, wise or foolish, love, hate, indifference, or for that matter a nation’s foreign policy, is the same energy applied in different directions and for various purposes. Say, the way political, nuclear or military powers are utilized for either good or ill. In turn, those outcomes are dependent upon the belief/value systems that utilize said energy, and inform the choices derived from them. A value system (milieu) combined with a felt-sense of propriety, fairness, justice, right and wrong is what drives cognition, perception, choice and behavior. Said Jesus, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” emphasis on the word HEART. Ditto as applied to nations and their leaders, including the current Russia – Ukraine fiasco, says here, fueled by the USA. When it comes to “growing, changing and yielding,” America and its foreign policy makers have in recent years made unwise policy and military deployment decisions on the wrong (morally) side of history, waging or backing wars they cannot win, and nudging the world closer to the brink of nuclear disaster. This is not good. And this certainly is not God, or the “one nation under God” we supposedly inhabit. As for the nature of energy proper, and the role of milieu in its utilization for either good or ill, Teilhard said it best, “The fires of heaven and hell are not two different forces but are contrary manifestations of one and the same energy.” As for energy misdirection, and impartial eye-opening perspectives on Russia – Ukraine that you will NOT here from our leaders, the State Department, NATO or our national media outlets, resource the following:, and Just so you know, and decide for yourself who’s been on the dark side of history of late, fueling the “wars and rumors of war” warnings of the Christ as harbingers of end times. Bullying is not restricted to schoolyards. Truth be told, there is no room for expedient politics, dead religion, unreflective nationalism, and/or universal mortal beliefs in “My kingdom,” all of which, historically, have sacrificed the lives of innocents for selfish ends.

  2. Joe Masterleo on February 24, 2022 at 9:54 am

    What needs to “change, grow, admonish or yield” in the area of truth, love and relationships applies to nations as well as individuals. This is why Jesus had little to do with politics or politicians, (and religionists) who act primarily out of expedience, pragmatism and self-interest, not truth or what’s best for the whole.


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