Rediscovering The Universal Christ

An audio interview with Fr. Richard Rohr

In this interview Brie Stoner engages in conversation with Fr. Richard Rohr, covering a number of topics in a forthcoming book he’s in the process of writing. Here they explore a more “universal” understanding of Christ—Christ as an ongoing manifestation from the very beginning of existence, manifesting through women and men and all living creatures, not confined to any particular faith tradition, and an animating force that continues to manifest in the evolutionary process itself.

Christ is the first idea in the mind of God. Jesus appeared 2000 years ago to make that universal manifestation personal and concrete and accessible.

Fr. Richard considers how a personal encounter through Jesus is balanced with a more universal principle of Christ—where the Christ is not an exclusive savoir confined to the Christian faith, rather

… the Christ is a message for all of creation that is in competition with no one, but a gift for clarification of all of our religions, including Christianity itself. I think that’s what a rediscovery of the Christ offers…

As they wrap us Fr. Richard shares his renewed appreciation for the value for personal prayer.


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  1. Sharon Grussendorff on September 30, 2020 at 12:45 am

    I listened to this interview a few years ago and found it very helpful. I have been trying too find it again to recommend to a friend and the link no longer seems to work. Is there some other way that I can find it?

    • Christogenesis on September 30, 2020 at 3:36 pm

      Thanks for letting us know about this! This interview is now fixed, and we will be fixing all these old audio interviews later today. Enjoy!

  2. murray russell on October 17, 2017 at 3:20 pm

    HASN’T BEEN TRIED YET! Absolutely! the christogenesis of brie and richard, ilia and teilhard is the gift of our generation and our challenge to manifest. i love the concept that we must stand up for the missing 13 billion yrs and join with their divinity for ours to be balanced and complete. the continual coming only arrives when we own that and join it with a christogenesis of the future. The Presence is the gift, your efforts are so critical and timely and bear witness to their need for continuous reinterpretation to be truly honored. blessings and gratitude

    • Sylvia Strike on October 17, 2017 at 4:04 pm

      Your reply to this wonderful interview is very inspiring.

  3. Wayne McMillan on October 17, 2017 at 7:53 am

    Thank you Richard Rohr and Ilia Delio for bringing Christianity in to the 21 st century. Thank you for taking us into the deeper meaning of what it is to be alive and human, and discovering the real message of Jesus Christ. Rohr and Delio with their fresh insights via mysticism, allow conventional Christianity to escape its hidebound, cultural, spiritual and theological cul de sac. Teilard De Chardin and Karl Rahner were both right. Amen!

  4. Marcella on October 12, 2017 at 4:49 pm

    Thank you for this. Encouraging insight and an excellent sampling of what’s to come in Fr. Richard’s book. Brie, you were a thoughtful, engaged interviewer. Good stuff.

  5. Gail Waring RSM on October 11, 2017 at 9:10 pm

    Compelling interview! Thank you Brie and Richard. I found your comments about the manifestation of God as the Christ since the beginning of all reality heartwarming. I was also helped to better understand the personal manifestation of Jesus as the human one. It seems to me that Ilia Delio, Richard Rohr and John Haught are plumbing the depths of a deep mystery and writing to help us move forward in faith and understanding of the cosmic Christ. As I think about Teilhard’s sense of the withiness of consciousness and the withoutness of love, it seems to me that Ilia, Richard and John are helping us to discover more of this mystery, especially becoming more conscious of the manifestation of Christ. I am grateful.


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