Psalms for Praying, An Invitation to Wholeness, by Nan C. Merrill
Psalm 1
Blessed are those
who walk hand in hand
with goodness,
who stand beside virtue,
who sit in the seat of truth;
For their delight is in the Spirit of Love,
and in Love’s heart they dwell
day and night.
They are like trees planted by
streams of water,
that yield fruit in due season,
and their leaves flourish;
And in all that they do, they give life.
The unloving are not so;
they are like dandelions which
the wind blows away.
Turning from the Heart of Love
they will know suffering and pain.
They will be isolated from wisdom;
for Love knows the way of truth,
the way of ignorance will perish
As Love’s penetrating Light
breaks through hearts
filled with illusions:
forgiveness is the way.
Psalm 144
Blessed are You, O Radiant One,
You, who are hidden within
our hearts,
even as we are hidden within
your Heart!
You invite us to participate in
the Divine Unfoldment,
As we Awaken from our long sleep
and give birth to creativity.
Open us that we might recognize the
divine in every person,
and become sensitive to all we
meet along the path.
For you are the Breathing Life of all,
the infinite and eternal within
our hearts.
Evoke the Child in our souls,
that purity and grace might
Infamous with compassion so
we nurture ourselves and others
with healing and forgiveness!
Empower us with wisdom and knowledge,
that we might bring forth
the Divine Plan!
And let us recognize the Truth
that clear vision might unfold.
Let us sing a new song to You,
O Beloved;
with the drums and flutes let us
express our joy!
You who are Divine Love, receive
our devotion,
that we may walk in beauty.
May our heart’s ears heed well
the Divine Word written on
every heart,
that integrity and justice may
dwell within us.
Let each one be receptive to the
Spirit that inspires,
allowing our will to respond
with action;
And may all judgments and denials
be released,
that our souls are freed
to serve the l
Light with joy!
Thus will we recognize oneness with
The divine spark dwelling
within our hearts,
fanning it to illuminate the way.
Gratitude and inner peace will abide in
every tranquil soul,
blessing the universe that
lovingly cares for us.

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