Prayer, from Hymn of the Universe, by Teilhard de Chardin

Glorious Lord Christ:

The divine influence secretly diffused and active

in the depths of matter,

And the dazzling center where all the innumerable fibres

of the manifold meet;

Power as implacable as the world and as warm as life;

You whose forehead is of snow,

Whose eyes are of fire,

and whose feet are brighter than molten gold;

You whose hands imprison the stars;

You who are the first and the last,

The living and the dead and the risen again;

You who gather into your exuberant unity every mode

of existence;

It is you to whom my being cries out with a desire

as vast as the universe:

In truth you are my Lord and my God.

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  1. Lisa A on November 20, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    Interesting. Looking further into the etymology, I saw that the French “prison” comes from the Latin prehensiō, prehensiōnem (“seizing, apprehending, arresting, capturing”), with a slightly broader meaning.

    I think the use of words like “imprison,” “implacable,” and “fire,” as well as “depth” and “vast,” suggest that the unity he is suggesting is beyond a limited human sense of the divine as being a binary version of good as in “good/evil” and possibly not even something very comfortable for our comprehension. And yet Teilhard still longs for this unity–an even greater testimony to his great desire.

    But I also realize that this is probably a translation from original French, so without reading the original (and I can’t), we can’t for sure rely on our understandings of his use of these words.

  2. Kay Jackson on February 6, 2024 at 5:42 am

    I never noticed Teilhard’s use of the word “imprison”. To imprison is to, ” jail, incarcerate, detain, or intern”. Synonyms include such words as,”restrain, confine, restrict” . The word origin is Old French and Middle English from “emo ‘in’ + prison.
    This is confusing! My understanding is that Teilhard found Light among all life. A Christ so expansive and energetic that life sprang into action and hasn’t stopped creating, exploring and evolving.
    The language herein is frightening. I come away not feeling love but seeing the ” old Guy in the sky “.

    • Stephen T Berg on April 19, 2024 at 10:34 am

      I read this “imprisonment” only in the sense of “exuberant unity.”


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