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The Acceleration of Change: From Future Shock to Present Reality

In 1970, Alvin and Heidi Toffler introduced the concept of "future shock"—a psychological state affecting both individuals and societies, characterized by "too much change in too short a period of time." Writing before the advent of the internet and mobile phones, their prophetic work anticipated the disorientation that would come to define our modern era. Their prediction that "the illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read or write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn" has proven remarkably prescient. The Tofflers identified three fundamental shifts that would reshape society: the death of permanence, as institutions and relationships become increasingly temporary; the end of geography, as technology diminishes the importance of physical location; and the...

Dear God

Dear God, These are very strange times, as we hover between a virus pandemic and an economic recession. The scare of COVID-19 has pervaded the entire globe. People fear for…


Integrating the Inner World

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakes.” Carl Jung   The Omega Center’s second annual conference, “Love at the Heart of the Cosmos: Living in Relational Wholeness,” treated attendees…


Hope in a Time of Crisis

The events of recent weeks have thrown the world into a heightened state of volatility. Fear of the Coronavirus has created global unrest, while a vaccine for the virus eludes…


A Lenten Invitation

God of Love, open our hearts on this Lenten journey to know that death is part of life, that life seeks more life, and that the fullness of life is…


God can emerge in new ways through Teilhard’s ‘troubled worship’

It is almost five years since the inception of Pope Francis’s encyclical “Laudato Si’, on Care for Our Common Home” and, unfortunately, nothing has changed with regard to global warming.…


Omega Center Conference Slides

Click on the slides below to view our conference presenters’ slides:   Does AI Need Religion? Exploring Teilhard’s Noosphere by Ilia Delio + Inside Our Awakening Universe The New Cosmic…


Ritiro Omega Discussion Group: The Cosmic Christ and Revolution

The Ritiro Omega Discussion Group met in December, 2019 to reflect on the blog by Sr. Ilia Delio from September 30, 2019 The Cosmic Christ and Revolution and Posted Comments.…


Praying in Teilhard’s Universe

Thomas of Celano, the first biographer of Saint Francis of Assisi, wrote that Francis did not so much pray as he became a “living prayer.” I think the same could…


New Year 2020

Dear friends,  Today, on the penultimate day of 2019, I saw a rainbow stretched across the sky in a spectrum of light.  A rainbow symbolizes a bridge between the present…

Dec. Campaign_image only

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