Celebrating a New Year: On the Cusp of the New
New Wine Needs New Wineskins
The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops recently concluded their annual meeting by advancing a document on reception of the Eucharist for pro-choice Catholic politicians. The decision to produce such…
Community Sharing: Hope for the Future
In reality, there are not two stories, a creation story and an evolution story. There is only one story spoken of from two non-integrated perspectives, one classified as science, the…
Christophany Divina
Every Friday this month we will offer Lectio Divina and Visio Divina practices, inviting you to ponder a little longer, a little deeper into the depth of your own hearts, and…
Hope for the Future
Dear Friends, As I wind down another semester of teaching, I cannot help but reflect on the potential of Teilhard’s vision for healing our world today. I had the…
A Short Reflection on the Feast of the Ascension
When I was a child, I celebrated the feast of the Ascension by imagining Jesus like a space rocket launched into heaven. To this day there is an operative image…
Finding Our Way into A New World
As many of you know by now, my bike accident last summer yielded a very challenging concussion and the persistence of a head injury that just doesn’t want to settle…
Christophany Groups Testimonies
“Our Christophany group celebrates its 1st year anniversary in a few months. We have continually grown in our sense of shared ownership and within an empowering, collaborative leadership model,…