Christophany Groups Testimonies
“Our Christophany group celebrates its 1st year anniversary in a few months. We have continually grown in our sense of shared ownership and within an empowering, collaborative leadership model,…
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Birthday
“Love is the affinity which links and draws together the elements of the world… Love, in fact, is the agent of universal synthesis.” Pierre Teilhard de Chardin + Pierre Teilhard…
Pre-Webinar Discussion – Teilhard de Chardin & Carl Jung: A Convergence
In preparation for our upcoming webinar “Teilhard de Chardin & Carl Jung: A Convergence” with Matthew Fox we are inviting you to ponder the following questions and offer your own…
Justice for George
Lord, We thank you for bringing justice to light, To know that every life is Your life, Your image. Help us to realize that You love each person with an…
Co-Reactors or Co-Creators? Christic Life in an Unfinished Universe
We are now in the third week of Easter and, while joy should fill the air, the persistent COVID pandemic, multiple random gun shootings, and the tragic injustice of…
Anniversary of Teilhard de Chardin’s Death
Love is a sacred reserve of energy; it is like the blood of spiritual evolution. Teilhard de Chardin Today we commemorate the anniversary of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s death. He…
Community Sharing: How to Raise Spiritual Awareness of God’s Love Within
This morning on the internet I came across your sweet Easter message. I feel there are many actions both in terms of faith and politics to confront gross inequities and…