
Jesus Christ, the New Singularity of Cosmic Evolution

Q: How can “seeing” Jesus of Nazareth as part of the “New Story” deepen our understanding of Incarnation and increase our experience of the humility and love of God? Ilia:…


Theological Praxis for Posthuman Life

Q: “What are concrete ways we can increase love and consciousness in this posthuman culture?” Ilia: Our question this week seeks to address practical ways we can reflect on our…


Cyborg Life and Paschal Mystery

Q: Is cyborgization and technological evolution another process of the paschal mystery, letting the old self die- allowing new birth to take place daily? Ilia: To answer this question, we…


The Cosmic Christ and Revolution

Q: I want to know more about the Cosmic Christ, of one-ing. Ilia: In March of this year Richard Rohr released his new book on The Universal Christ:  How a…


Contemplation and Vision

Q: What is the relationship between contemplation and action, especially public acts of resistance? Ilia: This is an interesting question and one that I have reflected on over the years.…


Race and Axial Consciousness

Q: How do you address racism in your work? Ilia: Our question this week asks about racism within the evolutionary paradigm. This is an extremely important question that, I must…


On Sex, Gender and Personhood

Q: A student from St. Dominic’s Priory in Adelaide Australia wrote in last week with the following questions on LGBTQ personhood in light of Catholic teaching. Although I am by…


Reconceiving Religious Life in the 21st Century

Q: What is happening to the Religious Orders ? What part do you see them playing in the next “spiritual generation”? Ilia: Our questions this week focuses on a topic…


Immigration, Evolution, and Wholeness

Q: What does Ilia think about Teilhard in regard to the emerging and pressing phenomenon of white-nationalism? What does she think about the “send-her-back” mentality of the insurgent movement?  …