photo credit: benn-mcguinness

A Whiteheadian Response: The God of Persuasion

Question: “Please help me to further understand, I thought that God did not direct our lives. We made choices, those choices CREATED—God’s presence is in the creation of the choice…


What Is Open Theism?

By way of brief overview, open theism is a contemporary mode of theological discourse that is more consonant with our present scientific descriptions of reality, as well as the central…


Process, Prophecy, and the Theme of Justice: An Overlooked Relationship

In recent past, the prophetic corpus has gained renewed appreciation among Jews and Christians. Recognized as God’s messengers of justice, many scour the prophetic literature in search of rich and…


What is a Closed System?

Austrian biologist Ludwig von Bertalanffy was among the first in his guild to develop the concept of an “open system,” an idea that transcended the traditional methods of the physical…


Harnessing the Forces of Unification: Come Together, Stay Together

Question: “Can you explain the concept of “oneness”?”    As one who passionately participated in the mysterious matrix of materiality, Jesuit scientist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin recognized—in a personal and…


Love as the Energetic Power of Union

Q: “I read/hear much ‘about’ love, especially from C4C…but I have yet to hear/understand exactly what love ‘is’ other than an overwhelming affectation. Is it “not this, not that”? Robert: …


The Sinister Situation of Evil: Problem or Necessity?

Q: I try to understand evil itself – what is it? Brokenness from the biology of the human being, brokenness from the things that have happened sometimes before and sometimes…


Renewing Biblical Wisdom

Renewing Biblical Wisdom: A Brief Explication of John’s Prologue through the Lens of Evolution   Question: “How to read the Gospel in light of evolution?” Robert: Jesuit polymath Pierre Teilhard…


Eucharist as Entanglement

Question: “I would like to understand more clearly the place of the Eucharist in relation to your effort of the relationship between science and faith.” Robert: It was the fifth-century…