
Mind, Matter, and the Power of Evolution

“Consciousness is the mirror that the universe has evolved to reflect upon itself and in which its very existence is revealed” – Peter Todd + Question : “I heard Ilia…


Do Our Lives Matter to God? Does God’s Life Matter to Us?

Questions: “What a mystery suffering is! And why does a loving God allow it is a question that I struggle with all the days of my life. I continue to…


Transhumanism or Ultrahumanism?

Transhumanism or Ultrahumanism?   Q: Can you explain the problem, as you see it, with the movement towards the transhuman AI vs. the transhuman Christic. I I see this as…


The Incarnation Is the Meaning and Purpose of Evolution

The Incarnation Is the Meaning and Purpose of Evolution   Q: “It might be time to stop looking for a perfect God and awaken to an imperfect God, a God…


Church and New Creation

Q: “I am not exactly sure as to your meaning of church. Is it as it has been in the past and still now clerical centered; or what it must…


Church of the Planet

Q:  Throughout Scripture its always a remnant which, by grace, “get” what God is up to in any given era. Jesus called them his “little flock” or “the elect.” How,…


Fire Burns, And So Does Love

Q: With the recent horrendous bushfires in Australia and the ongoing drought, climate change and the influence of humans is on the minds of many people but appears to be…


An Interview with Ilia Delio and Gregory Hansell

“Everyday is Christmas.” Ilia Delio and Gregory Hansell During the Omega conference, Ilia and Greg sat down for an impromptu conversation about the importance of a conference on the Teilhardian…


Suffering and Pain in an Unfinished Universe

Q: How do we make sense of the profound suffering in our world? A woman wrote in to the Omega Center: “My life is consumed with managing basic functions (bathing,…