Mind, Matter, and the Power of Evolution
“Consciousness is the mirror that the universe has evolved to reflect upon itself and in which its very existence is revealed” – Peter Todd + Question : “I heard Ilia…

Do Our Lives Matter to God? Does God’s Life Matter to Us?
Questions: “What a mystery suffering is! And why does a loving God allow it is a question that I struggle with all the days of my life. I continue to…

Transhumanism or Ultrahumanism?
Transhumanism or Ultrahumanism? Q: Can you explain the problem, as you see it, with the movement towards the transhuman AI vs. the transhuman Christic. I I see this as…

The Incarnation Is the Meaning and Purpose of Evolution
The Incarnation Is the Meaning and Purpose of Evolution Q: “It might be time to stop looking for a perfect God and awaken to an imperfect God, a God…

Church and New Creation
Q: “I am not exactly sure as to your meaning of church. Is it as it has been in the past and still now clerical centered; or what it must…

Church of the Planet
Q: Throughout Scripture its always a remnant which, by grace, “get” what God is up to in any given era. Jesus called them his “little flock” or “the elect.” How,…

Fire Burns, And So Does Love
Q: With the recent horrendous bushfires in Australia and the ongoing drought, climate change and the influence of humans is on the minds of many people but appears to be…