Center for Christogenesis

Heart of Matter Fallback Image

The Heart of Matter: The Map Is Not The Territory

“Physics is an abstract description of nature, although there are no abstractions in nature. What you see is not necessarily what is there. The map is not the territory.”  Ilia…


Prayer, from Hymn of the Universe, by Teilhard de Chardin

Glorious Lord Christ: The divine influence secretly diffused and active in the depths of matter, And the dazzling center where all the innumerable fibres of the manifold meet; Power as…


St. Teresa of Avila

Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on Earth but yours. Yours are the only eyes with which his compassion can still look out on a…


Meditation by St. Symeon the New Theologian

We awaken in Christ’s body as Christ awakens our bodies, and my poor hand is Christ.  He enters my foot, and is infinitely me. I move my hand, and wonderfully…


This is You, by Francisco Burgos

My stillness in turbulent timesmy loaf of breadmy warm beverage on cold morningsmy shelter and dry towel. The sustaining physics behind my clay vesselthe note that defines my musicmy Gabriel’s…


Psalms for Praying, An Invitation to Wholeness, by Nan C. Merrill

Psalm 1  Blessed are those    who walk hand in hand   with goodness,    who stand beside virtue,     who sit in the seat of truth; For their delight is in the…


Embers, One Ojibway’s Meditations, by Richard Wagamese (Excerpted)

I am my silence. I am not the business of my thoughts or the daily rhythm of my actions. I am not the stuff that constitutes my world. I am…


The Lord’s Prayer (An interpretation from the Aramaic)

O Creative breath, ebbing and flowing through all forms, soften the ground of our being and hollow a place for the planting of your presence. Moving to the heartbeat of…


It Takes a Universe, by Thomas Berry

The child awakens to a universe. The mind of the child to a world of wonder. Imagination to a world of beauty. Emotions to a world of intimacy. It takes…