Transformation or Self-Inflation? The Challenge of Spirituality Today
Spirituality has exploded in the twenty-first century and spiritual paths are everywhere. Contemplative practices, spirituality groups, Eastern and Western paths of mysticism, all abound across the infinite terrain of cyberspace. …

The Death of God and the Rebirth of God
On June 12, 1946, Teilhard jotted down a short sentence in a diary that read: “The death of God (Nietzsche) and the rebirth of God (Omega).” Ursula King writes: “He…

Religion in Transition: Living Between the Worlds of God
This summer I had the privilege of attending two very different spiritual events, the first, a gathering of spiritual seekers at Princeton Theological Seminary and, the second, a Catholic Sisters’…

The Beautiful Wholeness of Nature
Nature is an interlocking network of systems, an “unbearable wholeness of beings,” Steven Talbott wrote.[i] Nature is more flow than fixed. “The body,” he states, “is a formed”[ii] Structures, once…

Gun Violence and Technology
The killing of seven innocent people at a fourth of July celebration has now been added to the growing list of gun violence in this country. We are momentarily shocked…

For All That Has Been, Thanks, For All That Will Be, Yes!
The month of June is quickly moving toward July, and before time escapes the velocity of light, I want to take a moment to extend a heartfelt “thank you” to…

C4C June Fundraiser
Dear Friends, We seem to have survived a deadly global pandemic, but we find ourselves in a violent world where random killing is happening more frequently. Our world is out…