The Heart of Matter: Know Ourselves as Loved

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

“We must know ourselves as loved and as being-in-love; in this love is our freedom, our hope, and our zest for life.”

 Ilia Delio’s, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being


“Debemos sentirnos amados y enamorados; en este amor reside nuestra libertad, nuestra esperanza y nuestras ganas de vivir”.

Ilia Delio, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being

What is being moved? What is being asked?

Check out our new podcast, “Hunger for Wholeness” on Spotify.
Episode 11 was just released with Ilia Delio, Gabbi Sloan and Dr. Ann Kull “Are We Becoming Something New?”
This podcast was made possible by a Grant from the Fetzer Institute for which we are very grateful.

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  1. Joe Masterleo on October 12, 2022 at 8:37 am

    What we measure is the cumulative impress (internalization/interiorization) produced in us by loving experiences when they’ve passed. And in recollecting them, drawing from them as one might draw (withdraw) from a bank account, or from anything of value stored, they become timelessly present. These deposits of love, having ‘stuck to one’s ribs’ like nourishing meals, metabolized there into the soul’s sinew, muscle and bone, become transformed into our own spiritual substance. They abide there, beyond the ravages of time, the tedium of succession, and the vagaries of development, and the rigors of evolution.

  2. Darryl Nelson on October 12, 2022 at 12:51 am

    I have known each aspect of this intimately for 40 years, as I have grown older with my beautiful wife. Before this I knew the love of my beautiful parents.

  3. Harry Thompson on October 11, 2022 at 8:56 pm

    Maybe this goes a lot deeper? Maybe we forgot some of it as we got older?

    So I’m in the car with Jerry the Uber driver. We just meet and have a long way to go. About an hour and a half ride. In talking, we are both born a few months apart. Jerry and I talk about many things as he drives up front and I examine him in the rear view mirror. I share a bit about my colorful past and Jerry tells me he is a music teacher and a piano player. We both have those Irish looking caps on. Looking Jerry over, I see his right hand is a steel claw device of an amputee. So the nosy uncensored being I am – asks Jerry when he lost the hand and how is the piano playing going without it. “ Lost it when I was 15 to a rare cancer. And I’m a hell of a good left handed piano player! ” He talks about being Black in Baltimore and I White in San Diego. We get to be friends as we travel south on Route 2.

    Jerry- “ So I’m at the car wash. As you can see, I keep my car very clean. I’m there waiting and notice a little blond haired girl staring at me. She’s maybe 6 or 7. She disappears for a bit but shows back up as I’m getting into my car. She shoves something up under my sleeve. I smile and drive off almost forgetting about it. A couple stop lights later I remember and with my good hand reach over an pull out a bit of paper. It’s a carefully drawn and colored paper hand. I had to pull over crying”

  4. Annmary Andrews pbvm on October 11, 2022 at 5:51 pm

    I need to constantly remind myself of this fact. At times this is hard.

  5. Colette Chartrand on October 11, 2022 at 3:26 pm

    This is the heart of my life, the heart of my heart, what sustains me.

  6. pthomasmcguire on October 11, 2022 at 2:10 pm

    Hold your hand, and grow old with you. Chinese saying.


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