The Heart of Matter: A Lenten Call

Tuesday, March 8th

Lent is a time for living on the edge, poised for the next moment of life. We are invited to get out of our comfortable centers of security and live on the brink of the incomplete, the not-knowing, the open future, and to find comfort in the chaotic flow of life..”
—Ilia Delio, Lent: Poised for Action

“La Cuaresma es tiempo de vivir al límite, de estar dispuestos a asumir los nuevos momentos que nos trae la vida. Una invitación a dejar nuestros cómodos centros de seguridad para vivir al borde de lo incompleto, de lo desconocido, del futuro que se nos abre y a llegar a encontrarnos cómodos en el flujo caótico de la vida.”
—Ilia Delio, Lent: Poised for Action


Incarnational Practice: Discerning

“Discernment”, a spiritual practice of decision making, offers a way to see God’s call in the midst of all the decisions we make every day. The question is “What is it that God desires? What ‘open future’ is calling my name?”

A Prayer for Discernment from St. Francis of Assisi

Most high, glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart
and give me
true faith,
certain hope,
and perfect charity,
sense and knowledge,
that I may carry out
Your holy and true command.


What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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  1. Annmary Andrews pbvm on March 10, 2022 at 8:56 am

    During this time the revelation to me is to surrender, I am moved to accept life as it unfolds and am asked to continue to trust God and his actions.

  2. Damian Maureira on March 8, 2022 at 3:08 pm

    My understanding of spiritual transformation/enlightenment/Cosmic Christ Consciousness is to be living in the Loving Oneness of the Sacred Process of the Eternal Present Moment….

  3. jJenifer Wates on March 8, 2022 at 12:41 pm

    Following my sense of being called to show my recent paintings about the Magnificat in our local church, I have been delighted by the insights, support and help this has inspired – this feels like an affirmation.

  4. Ray Mazza on March 8, 2022 at 12:10 pm

    What suffering lies ahead is unknown, but having my “God particle” with me helps me believe “I can handle it”!

  5. Hilda Geraghty on March 8, 2022 at 11:54 am

    Thank you Ilia, for calling us outward and upward in the evolutionary spiral of Lent.
    Hilda Geraghty, Dublin.

  6. Sarah McMahan on March 8, 2022 at 11:47 am

    Kenosis, metanoia. The question and the invitation is what/how/where?

  7. Desmond on March 8, 2022 at 10:20 am

    This prayer for discernment is old school that I have been weeding out of my prayer vocabulary for some time now, and that is not easy. True, certain perfect?? What is truth? I am opting for Heisinbergers uncertainty! As for perfect charity…. along with dualities, I have long since given up on concepts of perfection. And I am feeling more authentic and uplifted than ever in so doing.

  8. Chris Streip on March 8, 2022 at 9:41 am

    We’re taught to give up something for Lent. I hope this doesn’t sound glib, but this Lent I’m working on giving up exclusivist thinking and outdated religious notions. I sincerely hope that I’m maturing on my faith journey, and I’m grateful for teachers like Sr. Ilia whom I believe are helping with that.

    Sometimes I get discouraged when I see outright dismissal or derision regarding the thought of Teilhard. Honest criticism I can understand and accept, but rejection without really considering what he taught while clinging to an inaccurate understanding of the universe saddens me a little. But I am also hopeful, and thankful for those with the intellectual ability to build on his ideas in a convincing way.

  9. pthomasmcguire on March 8, 2022 at 8:27 am

    On the Edge: A Chinese Catholic living in the Peoples Republic of China once wrote:“I think in our time,
    we need people who can go beyond themselves,
    to build bridges among people with
    different faith traditions,
    different ways of life,
    different opinions on political issues,
    to let go one’s sense of security
    in a certain “belief” and “truth,”
    to admit that my view is limited,
    then to listen, and
    to appreciate the other.
    We can live in peace even if we are different in every way.”

  10. Elizabeth Stamp on March 8, 2022 at 7:38 am

    With gratitude, Ilio; your faith through the Incarnational lens of life strengthens my spiritual journey,
    Blessings and deep peace,

    Elizabeth Stamp


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