The Heart of Matter: Waking up

Tuesday, March 15th

This Lent we are called into a new consciousness of love. It is time to move beyond Plato’s cave, of returning to God with some type of detached spirit, and to wake up to the reality that we have cut God out of physical evolution and taken the reins of godly power into our own hands.”  
—Ilia Delio, Lent: Poised for Action

“Esta Cuaresma estamos llamados a una nueva conciencia del amor. Es hora de ir más allá de la caverna de Platón, de retornar a Dios con cierto espíritu de desapego y despertar a la realidad de que hemos separado a Dios de la evolución física y de que las riendas del poder divino están en nuestras propias manos.”
—Ilia Delio, Lent: Poised for Action

Incarnational Practice: Waking Up

As we are about to enter our third week of Lent lets practice “waking up” and opening our eyes to something new: Waking up in the morning, waking up as we encounter friends and strangers, waking up as we approach something new and may be uncomfortable, waking up to what we see emerging around us, waking up to the constant presence of the divine in our physical interactions with others, with the world and with nature.


What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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  1. Annmary Andrews pbvm on March 16, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    Waking up to God reveal to me the loving presence of God and it moves me to trust in God’s unconditional love and am asked to love and accept all that life offers me each moment of my life. Thank you

  2. Juan Valentín Fernández de la Gala on March 15, 2022 at 4:07 pm

    Trying to wake up my senses this week. Try to see the others, to taste the food, to smell and to listen around my life. I will do it slowly and carefully and full of gratitude for it.

  3. Damian Maureira on March 15, 2022 at 2:45 pm

    God’s Spirit of Love, Wisdom, Creativity is a Living Spirit within, among, around us in our daily lives, relationships with one another and God’s ongoing Creation~Evolution~Consciousness in the Sacredness of the Eternal Present Moment….

  4. center4joyjoy borum on March 15, 2022 at 12:07 pm

    Thank you for this. So fortuitous. Just this morning via e-mail, a longtime friend, steeped in spirituality and sharing and a gifted psychologist suggested that I might consider a particular opening as a path of continuing contemplation and action.

  5. Darryl Nelson on March 15, 2022 at 9:00 am

    The absolute evil of Putin’s ambitions for his Empire, in contrast to the new consciousness of love. The Empire of the Church in Plato’s cave is also a stark contrast to the new consciousness of love that Ilio talks about.

  6. pthomasmcguire on March 15, 2022 at 8:24 am

    Today’ Gospel points a way to give up “the reigns of godly power: “The greatest among you must be your servant.”


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