Trust For The Meditation Process Grant

Dear Friends,


I am very proud and happy to announce that the Center for Christogenesis has received its very first grant! The Trust for the Meditation Process will be providing funding to create a video series on a unique “Teilhardian Contemplative Practice” to fully harness the paradigm-shifting potential of Christian contemplation in an age of epochal change.

A Teilhardian approach to contemplation releases the full force of its meditative potential to transform our troubled world. It moves us beyond individualistic therapeutic concerns to a vision where through contemplative practice and depth we take our place as humble and passionate co-creators of God’s cosmos with the power and responsibility to create a better world together.

Our project is to produce a series of instructional contemplative videos based on a one-day event to be led by Cynthia Bourgeault and Ilia Delio at the Pendle Hill Retreat Center in Pennsylvania for a small group of experienced spiritual practitioners. The video series will be filmed live on-site, to capture the “dynamic silence” of an experienced group of practitioners breaking new contemplative ground. This live event will take place in Autumn 2021 and the video series will be available by the end of next year.

Special thanks are owed to our amazing volunteer development manager, Martha Ann Carey, who worked closely with me in crafting our successful application; to Cynthia, for enduring numerous coffee-fueled conceptual conversations; and finally to Ilia, whose brilliant work never ceases to inspire a better future.

Together in Christogenesis,

Gregory Hansell
Executive Director

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  1. LINDA DAHL on November 11, 2020 at 11:47 pm

    My heart overflows with JOY for you! Through your grant and production of your video series, you will touch countless hearts, minds and souls. May our Blessed Trinity flow into you and uphold you in your endeavor. With LOVE and a heart running over with GRATITUDE, Linda

  2. Mike Ricci on November 10, 2020 at 5:30 pm

    This is a very exciting announcement! May the Spirit of Infinite Love continue to bless your work.

  3. ziggyrb on November 10, 2020 at 9:55 am

    my kind of Christian Community…may we all be one inSpirit

  4. Sister Jean Ryan on November 10, 2020 at 9:03 am

    Thank you !! Though I do not consider myself an “experienced practitionre” in this area, I have followed Cynthia’s writings for years. I look forward to this instructional contemplative video, and my only wish is that it would be coming out tomorrow. But the waiting hopefully, will deepen the final experience.

  5. Linda Clewell on November 10, 2020 at 7:58 am

    Exactly what we need!! Thank you!

  6. Maureen Ellis' Blog on November 10, 2020 at 7:41 am

    Congratulations! Well done! May meditation facilitate mediation. Happy to see evidence of C for C’s Teilhardian evolutionary stance courageous cross-over, with Richard Rohr’s Universal Catholicism, Matthew Fox’s Medieval mystics, and Bede Griffith’s Vedic insights. Inter spem et metum. (Dr) Maureen Ellis

  7. Serena Newby on November 10, 2020 at 6:45 am

    This is a wonderful event to bring a fuller transformative and Intention experience right into our homes. Thank you.

  8. Benjamin Hoch on November 9, 2020 at 6:57 pm

    Congratulations to the Center for Christogenesis on its first grant and gratitude to those who helped make it happen. How exciting! Looking forward to to the fruits of this labor in love.

  9. Marilyn on November 9, 2020 at 3:56 pm

    looking forward to its availability!


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