The Lord’s Prayer (An interpretation from the Aramaic)
O Creative breath,
ebbing and flowing through all forms,
soften the ground of our being
and hollow a place for the planting of your presence.
Moving to the heartbeat of your purpose,
make us the embodiment of your compassion.
Fill us with your creativity
that we might bear the fruit of your vision.
Give us the wisdom to produce and share
what each one needs to grow and flourish.
Untie the tangled webs of destiny that bind us
as we release others from the entanglements of past mistakes.
And let us not be seduced
by that which would divert us from our true purpose,
but illuminate the path before us.
For you are the ground of the fruitful vision,
the birthing power, and the fulfillment,
as all is gathered and made whole once again.

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I see this is a interpretation of the original Aramaic, not a translation. However, I think this interpretation is profoundly meaningful and utterly relational and unitive
I have heard this Aramaic ‘Our Father’ prayed, but I did not know the original words. This translation makes me think, where on earth did we loose the essence of this prayer? This aramaic translation is what Yeshua taught his disciples, how did we end up with our traditional and static translation which we know and pray so often? May we one day all return to the origin of this prayer, and to the origin and source of all being, in whom we have our sacredness and oneness.
A truly beautiful rendering that moves me beyond the rote and ritualization.
To the One, the All, the Mother-Father of our being. Who has been,Who is and Who is ever with us always.
This is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing this prayer. Is this copyrighted or may we share it with others?