The Heart of Matter: Spirit Incarnating Matter is Energy for a New Future.
Welcome to The Heart of Matter, a new contemplative email series from the Center for Christogenesis. Our invitation to you is to read those passages every day to give them time to expand in your heart and to use an incarnational practice to deepen their understanding. Eventually you will have at your disposal a whole array of practices that you can use in your own lives to read, to move, to be. Read more>
Tuesday, January 18th 2022
” To be engaged in the mystery of Christ is to be caught up in the Spirit of new life, creativity, imagination and openness to the future. Spirit incarnating matter is energy for a new future.”
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ
“Comprometerse en el misterio de Cristo es dejarse impulsar por el Espíritu de nueva vida, creatividad, imaginación y apertura al futuro. El espíritu, encarnado en la materia, es la energía de un nuevo futuro.”
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ
An Incarnational Practice: Creating
What is your visual response to this week’s quote? Using a pen, a brush, a camera or any medium of your choice, our invitation to you is to give shape, contour and texture to this passage. This is not an exercise to produce something “good” or “beautiful” but merely a practice to bring forth the visual essence of the words.
What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?
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Todays passage invokes the following image….Incubating in the womb of a woman matter infused with spirit conceived by love and union safely contained awaiting birth.
A sincere “thank you” to Ilia and team for inviting us on this evolutionary journey!
Today as I take my walk in the winter garden I am stirred to engage and enter into the mystery of Christ coming to me as I pass the oak tree in its winter dress that promises me the freshness of new life. This promise of new life challenges me to openess to the future and the Spirit incarnate in matter gifts me with the energy for the years of inevitable diminishments not far ahead.
living the moment,
dreaming what could be
open to what is unfolding in evolving matter/s
dancing and music even if there is four feet of snow… living life in its abundance, complexity and purpose.
Thank you very much.