The Heart of Matter: Spirit Incarnating Matter is Energy for a New Future.
Welcome to The Heart of Matter, a new contemplative email series from the Center for Christogenesis. Our invitation to you is to read those passages every day to give them time to expand in your heart and to use an incarnational practice to deepen their understanding. Eventually you will have at your disposal a whole array of practices that you can use in your own lives to read, to move, to be. Read more>
Tuesday, January 18th 2022
” To be engaged in the mystery of Christ is to be caught up in the Spirit of new life, creativity, imagination and openness to the future. Spirit incarnating matter is energy for a new future.”
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ
“Comprometerse en el misterio de Cristo es dejarse impulsar por el Espíritu de nueva vida, creatividad, imaginación y apertura al futuro. El espíritu, encarnado en la materia, es la energía de un nuevo futuro.”
—Ilia Delio, The Emergent Christ
An Incarnational Practice: Creating
What is your visual response to this week’s quote? Using a pen, a brush, a camera or any medium of your choice, our invitation to you is to give shape, contour and texture to this passage. This is not an exercise to produce something “good” or “beautiful” but merely a practice to bring forth the visual essence of the words.
What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?
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Who is the artist? Please credit.
Good point, thanks for that input.
“Sky Above the Clouds II”, Georgia O’Keeffe, 1963
The ground is covered with pure white snow which fell silently during the night. Let its silence
make me aware that our universe
is filled with an environment finding
ways to let the Spirit of God enter
Revealing of new birth. Felt happy and grateful and I am asked to cooperate with God’s actions in my life.
And what a gift to have these contemplative sharings in Spanish as well. A sign of inclusivity at a time when it si needed. Thank you for opening yet another door/window/way and widening the circle.
Thank you Joy! We are thrilled that you wish to share this email with others. Blessings,
How gloriously beautiful this is.
Thank you! May I share it with others with full atribution of course?
Your passage for today is so on the nose it about took my breath away. I am in the midst of a chosen, huge transition; and today’s quote frames it all wonderfully.
My unsought responses to your Incarnational Practice: Creativity are clay, keyboard, camera…which I’ve written in my journal and now hold in my heart and imagination.
Did I say, “Thank you!?”
Smiles and all good wishes from just east of Old Town Scottsdale, AZ
Participation, Communion, Mission
Having just seen the Netflix “Kiss the Ground” I see the dove from God alighting on the soil!
I see every breath I take as an opportunity to ignite in me a renewed sense of awe, wonder and love for every living thing. God’s creation is ever changing and continually inviting me to participate in its mystery.
For me today it means feeling blessed by each encounter of the day, including all who are involved in this reflection. Peace and Love