The Heart of Matter: Natura Divina

Tuesday, May 3rd

“Where there is Christ there is complementarity of opposites and thus unity in love; hence, where there is Christ, there is peace. Evolution toward unity in love is evolution toward peace.”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”

“Allí donde está Cristo hay complementariedad de opuestos y, por tanto, unidad en el amor; por eso, donde está Cristo hay paz. La evolución hacia la unidad en el amor es evolución hacia la paz.”
—Ilia Delio, “The Emergent Christ”

Incarnational Practice: Natura Divina

Using the image above or a view of nature in your own neighborhood, let your gaze wander and stops wherever you feel drawn by what you see. Open your eyes to the ineffable depths of the matter that surrounds you and become one in heart with the tree, the stone, the snow,or the flower standing in front of you. Explore what it reflects about your own life.especially in bringing opposites into wholeness.


What is being revealed? What is being moved? What is being asked?

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  1. Susan Niedzielski on June 2, 2022 at 7:14 am

    When I Forrest bathe I feel the peace of no judgment. Sitting with eyes open I see the trees in shapes that vary, colors that vary, leaves that vary, with roots that speak along with creatures like birds and insects and mammals when my eyes are closed. Loving LIFE in all its possibilities.
    It helps me feel my human existence a part of it all.


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