The Future is Now
“At the heart of every being lies creation’s dream of a principle that will one day give organic form to its fragmented treasures. God is unity.” (Teilhard de Chardin)
The following is a tribute and thank you to the work and influence of three Franciscans and a Jesuit. The first Franciscan is Sr Marise May, who 25 years ago introduced me to spiritual direction as a key element in spiritual formation. The second and third are Sr Ilia Delio, and bro Richard Rohr. Ilia for her fine Christogenic instruction, many C4C resources, and emphasis on creation as a unity of forces centered in Christ via the life and works of Teilhard de Chardin. And Richard for his long years of service giving meaningful and substantive definition to the Christ as truly universal. Finally, for Teilhard de Chardin S.J., who underscored the Christic notion that “truth has to only appear once, in a single mind for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze.” Thank you all, the eternal flame has been kindled, the torch has been passed, and is now burning hot.
The Future is Now
Pondering the “how are you leaning into 2024” question, I thought of one once asked of Christian author C.S. Lewis. Asked if he had taken a nap that day, Lewis replied, “No, the nap took me.” Ditto the “leaning into the future” question. Since faith is always forward looking, my short answer would be, “it’s the future that leans into me.” Allow me to explain.
There is no future tense in the kingdom, and no such thing as time, only the “eternal now.” Hence, divinity/evolution only appear to come from the future as evolved perspectives and forms. Yet their beginning and end already exist in eternity past. To illustrate, the harvest already exists in the seed, ready to unfold and reveal its contents. Likewise, all information, innovation, and evolutionary fulfillments past or future already reside in the Universal Mind of God as packets of stored information, ready to reveal their contents. Such await like-minded humans attuned and receptive to the higher resonant frequencies available for downloading.
The eco-spirituality of Teilhard (synthesis) and Thomas Berry (the New Universe Story) envision a new science of humanity based on the physics of Spirit, one reconciling empirical and religious views of the cosmos, enlarging Christ to cosmic (organic) proportions. Teilhard often spoke of a “greater Christ” and “a better Christianity,” having once asked a colleague, “Can you tell me who at last can give us the meta-Christianity we are all waiting for?” Being rhetorical, the question went unanswered. And some seven decades after his passing, remains unanswered still. Enough already, it’s time for a comprehensive cosmotheology.
I can do this, I thought. I have the single most important ability required – avail-ability. And I can invest in oodles of liminal listening, study, and practice. Such equips me to download big thoughts, futuristic ones that draw me to themselves like magnets.
They also prompt me to make good on their dreams and visions for a more inclusive and unified world. May we do likewise in 2024, and in years ahead, each doing his part to create a new universe story for an evolving world fast leaning into us all from the future.
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