
Cute girl reading book Teddy bear on the grass.

Heart of Matter: We Are Storytellers

“We are meaning makers and storytellers. The stories we tell one another shape the meaning of our lives”. Ilia Delio, Making All Things New + “Somos creadores de significado y narradores…

Wooden manger and star of Bethlehem in cave, nativity scene background. Christian Christmas concept. Birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus is reason for season. Salvation, Messiah, Emmanuel, God with us, hope.

Who is in the Manger?

Christmas is a beautiful time of the year when we are reminded that the heavens could not contain God, but a simple manger could contain the mystery of divine love. …

Deep Space Banner

The Heart of Matter: A Divine Kiss

Tuesday, November 29, 2022 “The name God points to the mystery of an unspeakable source of eternal love that flows endlessly from the divine kiss that is, at once, a…

Hand reaches out to hold and touch the light

Thick Skins and Brilliant Light

Darkness can be a terrifying and disorienting thing, where objects seem to blend into a field of nothingness, leaving one feeling powerless. Physical darkness is one thing, but psychological darkness…

Particles of DNA strands flying through space to Earth. Concept of the origin of life. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

The Heart of Matter: Cosmic Life as a Whole

Tuesday, November 22, 2022 “To separate theology from science and philosophy is to destroy the cosmic genetic code. By keeping these disciplines distinct and apart, life cannot develop coherently, as a…

Happy woman standing with hands up on long straight road facing the sun. Sunset sky

Let Us Create Something New

Dear Friends, At the Center for Christogenesis, we are keenly aware of our fragile world, but we see things from a new perspective.  We see the power of divine love at…


The Heart of Matter: Interconnecting Pathways

Tuesday, November 15, 2022 “The computer, according to Teilhard, has evoked a new level of shared consciousness, a level of cybernetic mind giving rise to a field of global mind…

Photo credit: Worawut Prasuwan

Politics and the Power of Love

Politics shape human community. Our political decisions reflect our sense of who we are and what we want. We vote as citizens of a common household, members of a society…


The Heart of Matter: We Are Part of a Larger Process

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 “To realize that humans are part of a larger process, which involves long spans of developmental time, brings a massive change to all of our knowledge…