
As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension of the old, but a completely new worldview." Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, - 1

Heart of Matter: Infinite Potential

“As we travel into the world of quantum physics, we enter a misty sea of infinite potential.” Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the…

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Heart of Matter: The Language of Mathematics

“The new insights of quantum physics bear a resemblance to early Greek science. What the Greeks realized is what physicists now realize, that the language of mathematical relationship is perhaps…

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Heart of Matter: Quantum Physics

“Quantum physics is a branch of science that focuses on quantum mechanics, where the term “mechanics” refers to the set of principles used to describe the behaviour of matter and…

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Season 2 of Hunger for Wholeness Podcast is Live

Since the time of Aristotle, philosophers have reminded us that ideas shape actions, so it matters how we think about reality, the world, and ourselves. If reality is interconnected, relational,…

Cute girl reading book Teddy bear on the grass.

Heart of Matter: We Are Storytellers

“We are meaning makers and storytellers. The stories we tell one another shape the meaning of our lives”. Ilia Delio, Making All Things New + “Somos creadores de significado y narradores…

Background of beautiful abstract Business transformation innovation. Change from to high technology like butterfly life cycle. to imply with success future business growth concept or other transform

Heart of Matter: God is Doing New Things

Tuesday, January 3, 2023 “God is doing new things, and our response in fidelity and love can bring forth a new communion of planetary life.”  Ilia Delio’s, The Hours of the…

Hand reaches out to hold and touch the light

Thick Skins and Brilliant Light

Darkness can be a terrifying and disorienting thing, where objects seem to blend into a field of nothingness, leaving one feeling powerless. Physical darkness is one thing, but psychological darkness…

Photo credit: Worawut Prasuwan

Politics and the Power of Love

Politics shape human community. Our political decisions reflect our sense of who we are and what we want. We vote as citizens of a common household, members of a society…