
Man praying as the sun rises in the mountains.

When Did Jesus Become God?

In an article on “The Emergence of Devotion to Jesus in the Early Church,” Australian theologian Anne Hunt writes: “Our familiarity as Christians with Christian faith’s conviction that Jesus is divine…”


The Future is Now

“At the heart of every being lies creation’s dream of a principle that will one day give organic form to its fragmented treasures. God is unity.” (Teilhard de Chardin) The…


Heart of Matter: A Process of Faith

“What appears to the sciences as a process of cosmogenesis is seen from the perspective of faith to be a process of Christogenesis.” Ilia Delio, Making All Things New “Lo…

Jesus Divine Heart

Heart of Matter: What God Does in Jesus

“If we proclaim that Jesus is truly God and truly human, then we are also saying that what God does in Jesus is what God has been doing since the…

Inner World series. Background composition of  digital colors on the subject of Universe, Nature, creativity and imagination

A Deep Dive into Cosmotheandrism

In a previous post, I explored the idea of a cosmotheandric language of belonging and resolved that “without the wild energy of Ruach our religious endeavors are cut off from…

Photo Credit: Lukasz Kochanek

A Cosmotheandric Language of Belonging

It is no secret that I love England and greatly look forward to my next visit, whenever that may be.  I am often charmed by the names of English towns…


Transformation or Self-Inflation? The Challenge of Spirituality Today

Spirituality has exploded in the twenty-first century and spiritual paths are everywhere.   Contemplative practices, spirituality groups, Eastern and Western paths of mysticism, all abound across the infinite terrain of cyberspace.  …

Entangled World

Celebrating Interdependence

Question: What does a celebration of interdependence look like to you?  What stories might you tell? The idea of independence is a strong aspect of American cultural identity, and yet,…