Heart of Matter: What God Does in Jesus

“If we proclaim that Jesus is truly God and truly human, then we are also saying that what God does in Jesus is what God has been doing since the Big Bang.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New

“Si proclamamos que Jesús es verdadero Dios y verdadero hombre, entonces también estamos diciendo que lo que Dios hace en Jesús es lo que Dios ha estado haciendo desde el Big Bang.”

Ilia Delio, Making All Things New

What is being asked?
What is being moved?

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  1. George Marsh on September 21, 2023 at 11:27 am

    I agree with Ilia’s logic–Jesus is and acts as God doing what Jesus is said to do in the New Testament. This idea presents the pleasant implication that God as Jesus changed his mind or attitude, as when he seemed unwilling to change water into wine, or had to recognize the faithfulness of the persistent Samaritan woman and the Roman who trusted Jesus to heal his dying slave without touching him. We and those who intercede for us in prayer use these biblical examples and others when we pray for God’s comppassion and mercy. Since the God revealed in our scriptures is the same ultimate mystery scientists can recognize, we present ourselves and other holons as needing alteration for the sake of evolving as pan-cosmic wisdom and will intends.

  2. Larry Corrigan on September 21, 2023 at 9:45 am

    Every breath we take

  3. Joe Masterleo on September 21, 2023 at 8:38 am

    Like Jesus, we are spirit incarnate, or more accurately, spirit congealed, the way ice on a pond and the water beneath it are both of the same substance in different form — H2O. Ice is created from water, its matrix (from L. mater = mother, root word of “matter”). When ice dies (melts) it returns to origins in the matrix which suspends, sustains, maintains, and forms its surface manifestation(s). Hence, water is to ice, what spirit is to matter, the latter being the former expressed in solid form. And note, like ice, the organic world of plants, animals, and humans are likewise sustained and maintained by spirit, their hidden matrix. And that, without the former having to ask, remind, or cast the latter in the role of servant to satisfy their needs and desires, otherwise silently attended to with dependable regularity.

  4. George Marsh on September 20, 2023 at 1:16 pm

    Agreed, Ilia! I as member of the Mystical Body, microholon within immeasurable Holon, enjoy the gifts of this favor, seek opportunities to bless, support, encourage and aid in the healing, saving mission of the Universal Christ. Without whom I surely do nothing.


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