The Heart of Matter: Theology is a Function of Cosmology
Tuesday, September 20, 2022 “Theology is a function of cosmology; knowledge of the sciences is fundamental to the task of theology.” Ilia Delio’s, The Unbearable Wholeness of Being + “La teología…

The Heart of Matter: God is the Wholeness of Reality
Tuesday, September 13, 2022 “God is not an idea but the living wholeness of reality, seen not by the physical eye of the scientist but by the gaze of the mystic, the…

The Heart of Matter: The World of Matter Is Our Home.
Tuesday, September 6 “The world of matter, energy, space and time is our home. There is an organic unity, a dynamic process, where every part of the whole participates in…

The Heart of Matter: The Mysteries of Christian Faith
Tuesday, August 23rd “Although science has undergone three major paradigm shifts since the Middle Ages, the church still relies on medieval theology to explain the mysteries of Christian faith.” Ilia…

Religion in Transition: Living Between the Worlds of God
This summer I had the privilege of attending two very different spiritual events, the first, a gathering of spiritual seekers at Princeton Theological Seminary and, the second, a Catholic Sisters’…

Hunger for Wholeness Podcast Launches!
Story matters. Our lives are shaped around immersive, powerful stories that thrive at the heart of our religious traditions, scientific inquiries, and cultural landscapes. All stories – big and small…