The Heart of Matter: A Divine Kiss
Tuesday, November 29, 2022 “The name God points to the mystery of an unspeakable source of eternal love that flows endlessly from the divine kiss that is, at once, a…

Thick Skins and Brilliant Light
Darkness can be a terrifying and disorienting thing, where objects seem to blend into a field of nothingness, leaving one feeling powerless. Physical darkness is one thing, but psychological darkness…

Soul Brothers? St. Paul and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Apostle to the ‘Gentiles’ of Modernity
THE TENSIONS OF CHRISTIAN HUMANISM It is the problem of Christian humanism, of how to balance the interests of God and those of human beings. When correctly interpreted, Teilhard would…

The Heart of Matter: Cosmic Life as a Whole
Tuesday, November 22, 2022 “To separate theology from science and philosophy is to destroy the cosmic genetic code. By keeping these disciplines distinct and apart, life cannot develop coherently, as a…

The Heart of Matter: Interconnecting Pathways
Tuesday, November 15, 2022 “The computer, according to Teilhard, has evoked a new level of shared consciousness, a level of cybernetic mind giving rise to a field of global mind…

Politics and the Power of Love
Politics shape human community. Our political decisions reflect our sense of who we are and what we want. We vote as citizens of a common household, members of a society…

The Heart of Matter: We Are Part of a Larger Process
Tuesday, November 8, 2022 “To realize that humans are part of a larger process, which involves long spans of developmental time, brings a massive change to all of our knowledge…