
As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension of the old, but a completely new worldview." Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, - 1

The Heart of Matter: A Mystical Science

Modern physics is, in a sense, a mystical science that stands in opposition to the notion that, “science explains everything” or that “science gives us the truth.” Ilia Delio, The…

As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension of the old, but a completely new worldview." Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, - 1

The Heart of Matter: Our Everyday Experience

“The fundamental basis of everything that exists is nothing like our everyday experience of the world.” Ilia Delio, The Not-Yet God: Carl Jung, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Relational…


The Heart of Matter: A New Paradigm

“As new insights arise that no longer fit the prevailing paradigm, they give birth to a new paradigm, which emerges over time. The new paradigm is not just an extension…

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Lean On The Future

Dear Friends, We are entering a season of Thanksgiving and grace in a world besieged by war and violence. There are wars within and wars without. Anxiety and fear are…


Heart of Matter: A Process of Faith

“What appears to the sciences as a process of cosmogenesis is seen from the perspective of faith to be a process of Christogenesis.” Ilia Delio, Making All Things New “Lo…


Building an Internet of Love

Dear Friends of the Center, Our June fundraiser has drawn to a close and I am happy to report that we met our anticipated goal thanks to your generous support. …

St. Francis of Assisi

Heart of Matter: The Mind of Christ

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 “A higher consciousness of love, putting on the mind of Christ, is not a trapeze act for saints; it is how we deal with human misunderstandings, conflicts,…

eruption of colored powder against a white background. abstract close up of background with dust. vibrant explodes Holi paints. Generative AI

Heart of Matter: The Universe is in Motion

Tuesday, February 7, 2023 “The universe from the beginning has been in constant motion, a constant, “workaholic” bundle of energy in which vast fields of energy connecting across cosmic spaces…

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Heart of Matter: The New Universe Story is Complex

Tuesday, January 31, 2023 “What is entirely amazing about this story is that we are here to tell it. Although the new universe story is complex, there are certain features…