Heart of Matter: A Mysterious Beginning of Wholeness
“Life and consciousness emerge from a mysterious beginning of wholeness and are moving toward greater wholeness, more consciousness, and life.” Ilia Delio, Making All Things New “La vida y la…
Heart of Matter: Create New Meaning Together
“As evolution continues and technology advances humankind, religions have to create new meaning together in the creation of a new global society of world citizens.” Ilia Delio, Making All Things…
Heart of Matter: Human Activity Matters
Computer technology extends the outreach of human activity, but it depends on a broader use of human activity and how humans will control psychic, spiritual energy needs, and powers. Ilia…
Heart of Matter: The Noosphere
“The noosphere is a level of shared consciousness that transcends boundaries of religion, culture, or ethnicity.” Based on works by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin & Ilia Delio, Making All…