Recording of Ilia and Greg’s Conversation: Reality Ever New
December 7, 2021//
Watch Ilia & Greg Discuss Our December 2021 Theme: Reality Ever New
“Blessed be you, mighty matter, irresistible march of evolution,
reality ever newborn; you who, by constantly shattering our mental categories,
force us to go ever further and further in our pursuit of the truth.”
– Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Posted in Videos
Thank you Ilia for all your wonderful hard work in 2021. Wishing you and all your community a Peaceful and Joyful Christmas and a Healthy and exciting New Year.
Thanks, Isabelle, for your response. When I do Zoom webinars with my students the program automatically produces a transcript, but they are usually somewhat indecipherable in terms of accurately representing what was actually said. I would be happy to share my notes, which include several quotes, with anyone who is interested. But I admittedly listen for particular ideas that are pertinent to my own work, thus they may not be helpful to all.
Thank you for doing this. I’ve been watching your wonderful video in half-hour time chunks, which end up being much longer because I stop so often to take notes. Would you happen to have a transcript of it?
Dear Emily, We currently do not have automatic transcripts and depend on the good will of volunteers but we are looking into it. Christmas blessings!
A few thoughts re: science/religion synthesis. First, such a synthesis is useful, but not necessary in one’s faith walk, or in activating spiritual consciousness. The only requirement for same is a heart-felt belief in the efficacy of gospel and mystery of the incarnation without empirical proof. Second, for those curious, science-minded folk interested in the so-called “third” (organic) nature of Christ who “fills all things” seamlessly, be advised. In synthesis, the new wine won’t fit into the old science, religion, or theology bottles. A new bottle/container must be developed, one Teilhard advocated for — Spirit Science. Why? Science, religion and theology are abstractions, threads plucked from a unified tapestry (field of forces) that embraces them both without distinction. From the perspective of the whole, their apparent difference is no difference at all, merely the result of three disciplines viewing the same crossover reality from different access points, using different language to describe it. Mind you, not God’s language, but that of dual-thinking men. Hence, science, religion and theology are competing partial truths that originate and are shaped by the same universal, sliced and diced, non-local energy field called science, religion or theology. Since institutional forms of the faith can’t/won’t give or teach you that — ever — “why seek ye the living among the dead?”
Thank you so much for your wonderful presentation the other day and now for a copy of it. I intend to share it with many people. I also want to keep involved with your Center and am on your mailing list.