Our Team Is Growing!
Welcome Rebecca Mays and Kate Kristiansen to the C4C team!
Rebecca is the new Christophany Groups Coordinator.
Rebecca is currently Managing Editor for the Dialogue Institute ‘s Journal of Ecumenical Studies, and a Consultant for the State Department programs on religious freedom for scholars and students. Her special interests in developing new curriculum and facilitating dialogue between people from different backgrounds, makes her an ideal coordinator for our Christophany groups. Read more about Rebecca here>
Kate has recently joined us to work on social media development and marketing communications for The Center for Christogenesis.
Kate Kristiansen has more than twenty years of experience in digital marketing, publicity, and brand sponsorship development. She has managed marketing for arts and community organizations, institutional banking, major live entertainment touring shows across North America for Cirque du Soleil, and Dreamworks Live. Kate is also a part-time Professor of Marketing at St. Lawrence College located in Ontario, Canada. She is the owner and operator of Hummingbird Studios, an artists’ residency and retreat venue located in the Ontario countryside. Read more about Kate here>

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I have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Rebecca through her role with C4C groups. She a remarkable woman! Full of so much wisdom and steady strength. May the Christ within continue to feed your searching soul.
It is so invigorating to see such wonderfully competent woman recognized and appointed to positions where their unique feminine intuitiveness brings insight and wonder to more and more of our intellectual, physical, and spiritual adventures. Blessings of Love, always, Blessings of Peace.